Friday, 12 August 2011

I’d crate my own history

On  12 Ramadhan 1432, it’ll make history in my live where about 6 month I didn’t eat rice…hahahha…I start it when my friend told me that his father didn’t eat rice about 3 years..wooww..can u imagine it.. that make me feel jealous, challenged, weird…why..??why i can't like him???(his father) coz they always said  that the Malaysian can’t live without rice…I started on 12 Rabiulawal 1431 last year.. (my English getting better tol x…haahah..ckp bm lah..sng ckit) tp sblm 2 pon dh try 2 bln kot…tp ad sowg kakak ni an ad ke die pkse aq mmg sdp r..nasi arab mandi..ayam die mmg sdp r..beras pnjang..basmati ke pon xigt tp mmg beras mahal (nk poyo ckit)…sblm ni aq ad gak try mkn nasi tp xleh msok..x lut..hahah.., the most of my objective is to prove that malaysian can also live without rice not only matsaleh can do it..that’s all..thnx 4 read  ( pic kt bwh ni nk tnjuk kt kowg betapa meriah nye aq dlu..heheheh...) 
3 years ago

3 years ago

last 2 years ago

march 2011


Happy fasting in Ramadhan 1432