Saturday, 15 October 2011

How to be a great investor

Assalamualaikum, on this entry we’ll discuss about how to be a great investor in concept on Islam, what investment should we invest. This investment that we discuss for the dividend that we get on the next live. B4 we invest the 5 important things that should we care:-
Mengucap 2 sentence syahadah, do solat 5 times per day, fast in Ramadhan, pay zakat, do haji in zulhijjah if u’ve strength & enough money

antara invest y plg stabil 
 We must know that most powerful god in the world is Allah either on this live or next. It’ll advantage if we do solat sunat tahajjud, taubat, hajat, ba’diah, & qobliah, to get into Allah’s paradise. That was the place and dividend that we can’t imagine. Allah is the one and same creator who create Adam, Daud, Isa, Musa, Muhammad s.a.w. it’s ok if we live in poor in this world but rich in the next, it’ll we fool if we rich in this world but poor in the next..


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